
The concious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanim of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

Edward Bernays ~ Propaganda (1928)

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928) is the users manual for "engineering consensus". If you aren't using propaganda you are at a disadvantage because your competitors most certainly are.

It was one of the doctrines of the reaction psychology that a certain stimulus often repeated would create a habit, or that the mere reiteration of an idea would create a conviction.

Edward Bernays ~ Propaganda (1928)

A sampling of ideas reiterated by mainstream and social media: Do you have a message to spread, truths to reveal, consensus to build? Spread your message effortlessly with a tweet bot. We can assist you with using our proprietary software that will automate the process of tweeting.

We pass no judgement on the veracity of your facts. Said best by Eddie:

...for in their universe the truth is ultimately what the client wants the world to think is true.

Edward Bernays ~ Propaganda (1928)

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