Tweet preparation

Formatting your tweets for Build-A-Bot is easy and can be done with a simple text editor like Notepad. Tweets are collected in a single plain text file. After composing your tweet hit return, provide an image indicator, hit return and repeat for the next tweet. Here is an example of a text file properly formated for the Build-A-Bot tweet processor:

Image indicators

There are three options when specifying an image:
noneNo image will be provided
randoma random image will be selected from a pool of images
myimage.jpega specific image is provided and will be attached to the tweet or to the first tweet of a thread.
Build-A-Bot recognizes images with the extensions .jpg, .jpeg, or .png

Image preparation

Tweet Corpus

If you are pulling tweets from a corpus e.g. the @eddiebbot bot tweets text from Propaganda by Edward Bernays, check out the emacs page for a code snippet that can streamline the process - presuming you are comfortable with EMACS that is!